Εικόνες & Μελέτες/ Στατιστικά

* "Η επιλογή του υλικού και η επιστημονική επιμέλεια έγιναν από την κυρία Σταυρούλα Ντρουφάκου, Παθολόγο Ογκολόγο"

electronic cigarettes - what's the bottom line?
Electronic Cigarettes Infographic CDC 2019
who global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco smoking 2000 - 2025
WHO Global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco smoking 2000-2025

risks from smoking
Health effects of cigarette smoking CDC 2019 infographic

teachers and parents
Parent teacher ecig infogr CDC 2019

Smokeless tobacco fact infografic CDC 2019

the discovery that tobacco kills
The discovery that tobacco kills Richard Doll BMJ 2012
The tobacco body infografic WHO 2019
The tobacco body infografic - WHO 2019

WHO report on global tobacco epidemic 2019
WHO report on global tobacco epidemic 2019
WHO infographic Tobacco poverty 2019 WHO infographic Tobacco women+children 2019